Journal of Balkan Studies contains original scientific publications. All published articles, except editorials, are subject to a double blind peer review process.
Aim and Scope
- -Journal of Balkan Studies' articles are primarily requested to comply with the academic rules of the theoretical and methodological framework. The content is expected to be methodologically consistent, appropriate and systematic, based on a theory, it is likely to question the theories or to produce a new theory.
- - Journal of Balkan Studies includes perspectives that analyse the present and prioritise the future, taking into account the past about North Macedonia, the Balkans and the world, with its consistent, reliable arguments.
- - Journal of Balkan Studies prioritises methodological, intellectual, historical, theoretical, literature studies and discussions for the region, and gives importance to the production of local knowledge.
- - Journal of Balkan Studies prioritises knowledge production for the region. It also encourages texts that develop new approaches / imagery to global, intellectual, methodological, historical questions and problems of people and societies.
- - The number of Balkan Studies Journal can be thematic or published on the basis of articles covering many different topics.
- - The Journal of Balkan Studies values the fact that the produced information is applicable to people, societies, the world and a future perspective. The aim of the Journal is to contribute to science by publishing high quality publications of scientific importance. For this purpose, original research articles, reviews, case reports, book reviews and letters to the editor are published. Journal of Balkan Studies; centres the Balkans and the disciplines of history, political science, international relations, is an independent, double-blind peer-reviewed, open access and online journal. Articles should describe original data not previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles that are deemed suitable for Journal of Balkan Studies submission rules and the scope of the journal are sent to at least two referees who are experts in their fields for scientific evaluation. The Editorial Board members of the Journal of Balkan Studies, who discuss the suitability of the manuscript, then take into account the comments of the referees on each submission. The final decision for all submitted articles belongs to the Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board of the Journal of Balkan Studies is committed to comply with the criteria of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Web of Science Research Area: Social Sciences / Area Studies
Web of Science Category: Social Sciences / Area Studies
Field of Science: Social Sciences / History, Area Studies, Cultural Studies, International Relations, Women's Studies
Keywords: Balkan History, Balkan Politics, Balkan Political History, Ottoman History, Balkan nation states, Balkan Social Structure.
Publication Language
Full Text Publication Language: English -Primary Language: English -Secondary Language: Turkish, Albanian, Macedonian Content Written in English and Latin Alphabet: -Article Title: English & Turkish, Albanian, Macedonian -Author Name: English (in Latin Alphabet) -Author Address: English (in Latin Alphabet) -Key Words: English & Turkish, Albanian, Macedonian -Source: English (Latin Alphabet) Full Text English (in Latin Alphabet) If the full text is sent in Turkish, Albanian, Macedonian, the extended abstract must also be included in the text. (in Latin Alphabet)
Article Submissions
Submitted manuscripts must be appropriate to the purpose and scope of the journal. Original, unpublished manuscripts that are not in the evaluation process in another journal and whose content and submission have been approved by each author are accepted for evaluation.
The target readership is members of professions, specialists, researchers, speciality and doctoral students as well as students related to this field in all areas of health. It aims to contribute to the spread of continuous professional development and research culture.
Fee Policy
The publication of articles in the journal and the execution of article processes are not subject to any fee. No processing fee or submission fee is charged under any name for articles submitted to the journal or accepted for publication. Journal of Balkan Studies does not accept sponsorship and advertisement in accordance with its publication policies. All expenses of the Journal of Balkan Studies are covered by the Balkan Studies Foundation.
The copyrights of the works published in Journal of Balkan Studies belong to their authors. Authors give permission for the intellectual work they submit to be published by Journal of Balkan Studies under the licence.
Originality of Articles
Journal of Balkan Studies does not accept papers previously published elsewhere. However, published articles in a foreign language may sometimes be accepted.