e-ISSN: 2671-3659
p-ISSN: 2671-3675
##plugins.themes.journalshdbs3.option.headerinfo.founded.label##: 2021
##plugins.themes.journalshdbs3.option.headerinfo.period.label##: ##plugins.themes.journalshdbs3.option.headerinfo.period.biannually##
##plugins.themes.journalshdbs3.option.headerinfo.publisher.label##: Balkan Studies Foundation

Notes for Book Reviewers

  • Book reviews are an indispensable element of academic writing and knowledge production. In this framework, the Journal of Balkan Studies gives great importance to this academic analysis section in terms of following the current Balkan literature and evaluating the publications. The purpose of Book Reviews is not to summarize the book or explain the book in outline; this section is to provide a critical analysis of the book and to have an idea about the work. The points to be considered about the writing processes are presented below.

Book Selection

  • The book should be an academic study on the field of Balkan research in a broad sense (it is also possible that its interlocutors are a general audience). Different types of studies can be examined, in ex; research, textbook, review, dictionary, encyclopedia, catalog publication translation, criticism, etc.
  • It must be copyrighted or translated work published in the last 5 years.
  • It must be the work of a competent author (or authors) in the field.

Reading Process

  • The book’s basic findings, claims, assumptions and predictions should be noted.
  • The subject composition and physical properties of the book should be examined.
  • The index, map, abbreviations and bibliography that will help to read the book should be examined.

Preparation For Writing

  • What is the target and audience of the book? Does the book present the existing knowledge, or is there a claim? Has the book reached its goal?
  • What is the contribution of the book to the field? To what extent does it address current debates about the field?
  • What is the starting point and perspective of the book?
  • Is the author’s language and style successful? Did he use the terms of the field correctly?
  • Have the issues been adequately processed according to the goal of the book?
  • Is the information of footnote, bibliography, date etc. correct?

Writing Form and Its Content

  • At the top, the title of the book, the full tag and other information (page, attachments, ISBN) should be included. This information should be written in accordance with the format in the literature articles published in the last issue of the journal.
  • At the end of the article, the name, title, place of duty and ORCİD ID number of the author should be written appropriately. Articles that contain missing or inappropriate information regarding the format of the journal will be returned to the owners without being evaluated.
  • The importance of grammar and spelling rules exerted in the general article writings also applies to book reviews.
  • The volume of the text should be between 1000-1500 words. It should be noted that it should not be shorter or longer.
  • The assessment letter is expected to provide information in the following areas:
  • The target audience of the book
  • The thesis of the book, the target and basic claim of the author
  • The place of the book in the literature
  • Short summary and analysis
  • (Primary and secondary) resources used
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the book; the contribution of the book, the aspects that can be improved
  • Briefly incorrect and incomplete issues.
  • Giving information about the author and the background of the book can enrich the text, but giving the author’s biography prolongs the writing, instead, from the author’s life only parts related to the content of the book can be given.
  • The plan followed in the book evaluation article does not have to be in parallel with the book. Instead of relying on the table of contents, an article can be written that takes into account the main goal of the book, the common and different aspects of the chapters.
  • An impressive introduction helps the reading of the text. The use of sentences beginning as “This book…”etc should be avoided. Short and clear sentences convey the targeted message to the reader more effectively.
  • Assuming that the reader has no knowledge of the subject, the usage of the specific terminology related to the subject should be to a minimum level.
  • Much emphasis on shortcomings and gaps in the book may distort the purpose of the article. It is enough to touch briefly with minor criticisms.
  • It is better for the reviewer to set up the text with his own sentences and quote as little as possible from the book. However, when necessary, short quotations can be used.
  • Applications are made from info@balkanjournal.org