Ibtidaiye Mektebs in the Kaza of Gjilan According to the Ottoman Sources During 1900-190
Kosovo during the Ottoman period was characterized by increased activities regarding youths’ upbringing and education. Prishtina, Prizren, Gjakova, Peja, Vushtrri, Gjilan and many other Kosovo kazas [administrative districts] were centers for educating and training children. This fact is confirmed by the number of the first Muslim cadres of educated people who made a name for themselves in the field of literature and poetry of the classical and modern Ottoman periods, as was the case with the poets of the Divan such as Mesihi of Prishtina, Dukagjinzade Ahmet Bey from Dukagjin and Mehmet Akif Ersoj from Peja (d. 1936). Education activity in Kosovo during the Ottoman administration took place in institutions that were observed by the High Council of the Islamic Religion and the Ministry of Education itself. As a result, researchers have the opportunity to trace official data on the educational and cultural activities that were conducted in sanjaks, kazas, and various villages of Kosovo. These activities are very well reflected in the documentation of the time, starting with the Salname of the Vilayet of Kosovo and other documents such as testimonials, student certificates, and various decisions of education directorates at the local level.
This paper addresses the certificates of students from the Llashtica, Pidiq, Caravajka, and Remnik Maktabs [schools] for 1902-1903 school year and Pogragja Maktab for 1905-1906 and also provides data from the schools’ rosters regarding the number of students, the names of the müderris [teachers] who served in the Madrasas of Gjilan and Doburçan in the early 20th century.
This paper addresses the certificates of students from the Llashtica, Pidiq, Caravajka, and Remnik Maktabs [schools] for 1902-1903 school year and Pogragja Maktab for 1905-1906 and also provides data from the schools’ rosters regarding the number of students, the names of the müderris [teachers] who served in the Madrasas of Gjilan and Doburçan in the early 20th century.
Kosovo, Gjilan, Maktab, Llashtica, Pidiç, Caravajkë, Remnik, Pogragja
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