Latest: Journal of Balkan Studies
• Journal of Balkan Studies is an international, peer-reviewed refereed and academic journal. It is published twice a year. Articles in English, Macedonian, Albanian and Turkish are published in the journal.
• Journal of Balkan Studies; centers the Balkans and the disciplines of history, political science, international relations.
• Journal of Balkan Studies’ articles are primarily requested to comply with the academic rules of the theoretical and methodological framework. The content is expected to be methodologically consistent, appropriate and systematic, based on a theory, it is likely to question the theories or to produce a new theory.
• Journal of Balkan Studies includes perspectives that analyze the present and prioritize the future, taking into account the past about North Macedonia, the Balkans and the world, with its consistent, reliable arguments.
• Journal of Balkan Studies prioritizes methodological, intellectual, historical, theoretical, literature studies and discussions for the region, and gives importance to the production of local knowledge.
• Journal of Balkan Studies prioritizes knowledge production for the region. It also encourages texts that develop new approaches / imagery to global, intellectual, methodological, historical questions and problems of people and societies.
• The number of Balkan Studies Journal can be thematic or published on the basis of articles covering many different topics.
• The Journal of Balkan Studies values the fact that the produced information is applicable to people, societies, the world and a future perspective.
• Articles of the Balkan Studies Journal can be accessed for free via its website. The articles can be downloaded in PDF format without any payment or membership. No fee is requested from the authors for any reason and no fee is paid to them.
National and international databases, digital platforms, and indexes where Journal of Balkan Studies is located.