e-ISSN: 2671-3659
p-ISSN: 2671-3675
Founded: 2021
Period: Biannually
Publisher: Balkan Studies Foundation


The Appearance of the Idea of War in the Contexts of Establishment and Beauty in the Divan of the Bosnian Aladdin Sâbit Savaş Düşüncesinin Bosnalı Alaaddin Sâbit Divâni’nda Somutlama ve Güzelleme Bağlaminda Görünümü

Burak Koç PhD Student, Univerity of National Defence Author 0000-0003-1600-704X




Among the literati and scientists, the view is found that classical Turkish poetry prefers a separate literary expression, where literature when removed from society, reality, and sociality is at a certain level indifferent to the issues of society. Being involved with life will lead a poet to the reality of society and humanity, and the relevant art must have knowledge about signifiers to be noticed by the poet’s addressee.
Metaphorical structures will increase the meaning of a text while evaluating literary texts. This article has come across depictions of war in their literal and figurative meanings in classical Turkish poetry and draws attention herein to the ethnosymbolist approach. The focus of Turkish classical poetry appears to be determinable as the metaphor of war. Based on this, metaphors in classical literature such as the image of a lover’s gaze as an arrow or her hair as a bow string are not meaningless. The flamboyant elements that a nation has stated have emerged in literature in its own language.
The poets imply that the army is not in war for fighting but to clean the blood of the enemy with cupping or to shave their hair for free. For the poet, war is the natural healing that saves the corrupted world, and based on this idea, war is based on eliminating and correcting evil. This article will examine the couplets about war in the Divan of the Bosnian Alaaddin Sâbit, a 17th-century poet, in terms of embellishment and concretization.


Bosnian Alaaddin Sâbit, Embellishment, Concretization, War


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