Feminine Words for Feminine Actions: Women’s Partisan Newspapers in the Greek Civil War
This article analyzes the origin and the development of the women’s partisan journals that were published during the Greek Civil War (1946-1949). It constitutes an unexplored topic despite the fact that it can provide crucial insights into the women of that time. In the beginning, it describes the basic factors of the early feminist editions. Subsequently, it examines the course of those newspapers during WWI and the Interwar period in order to delineate the disruption of their progressive evolution. Afterwards, it presents the changes that affected the character of the women’s publications throughout the Second World War, the Axis occupation and the first post-liberation years. Then, it focuses on the fundamental characteristics of the women’s partisan newspapers, their technical aspects, their objectives, their thematic content and the journalistic coverage of the feminist issues. In parallel, it makes several comparisons with the Spanish case
and it places the Hellenic example within a broader framework (pertinent European phenomena, feminist waves, etc.) to outline a clear, satisfying and comprehensive picture.
Keywords: press, clandestine, underground, women, publishing, newspapers, journals
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