Urban and Architectural Alterations in Elbasan from Ottoman Period to Modernity
This research paper examines the transition of urban spaces and architectural changes in
Elbasan, Albania, from Ottoman influence to modernity. By analyzing urban development and architectural
styles from both the Ottoman and contemporary periods, the paper aims to provide a comparative
perspective on the architectural language between these two periods. The study explores the alterations in
characteristics of city urbanism and architecture in Ottoman and post-Ottoman times, spanning from the
early 19th century to the present day. It also examines the implications of these changes for urban spaces
and cultural identity.
Through case studies and comparative analysis, the paper highlights the dynamic evolution of Elbasan’s
architectural landscape and provides insights into its future development. The data was collected using
a multi-faceted methodology, including archival drawings, scholarly works, maps, field visits, and
observations. The results reveal significant variability in the urban and architectural patterns of the city.
The differences between 18th- 19th- century Elbasan and that of the 20th and 21st centuries are profound and
distinct. However, the central area of the city, which remains the most historic part due to the survival of
structures such as the castle, the clock tower, old bathhouses, and the king’s mosque, still retains traces of
the Ottoman city.
Keywords: Urban Transition, Ottoman Architecture, Modernity, Elbasan, Cultural Identity, Urban Development
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Copyright (c) 2024 Brunilda Basha, Zafer Sağdiç (Author)
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